Donate now to help keep the rich history of Pompeys Pillar National Monument alive!

Protect and preserve its sacred site and cultural history.

Donate now to help keep the rich history of Pompeys Pillar National Monument alive!  image


raised towards $25,000 goal




Protect and preserve its sacred site and cultural history.

Protect and preserve its sacred site and cultural history.

One of the most famous sandstone buttes in America, Pompeys Pillar National Monument bears the only remaining physical inscriptional evidence of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. On the face of the 150 ft rock, Captain William Clark carved his name and the date, July 25th, 1806, during his return to the United States through the beautiful Yellowstone Valley. The rock and signature appears the same today as it did 200 years ago! Captain Clark named the Pillar, "Pompy's Tower" in honor of Sacagawea's son Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, whom he had nicknamed "Pomp."

"The Friends of Pompeys Pillar recognizes that protecting Pompeys Pillar is the responsibility of all Americans because it belongs to all Americans."

Donate today to ensure that we have the resources to fulfill our ongoing mission which is to preserve and protect Pompeys Pillar National Monument through education and interpretation, outreach, special projects and to support the development and management of the site.

Your donation will benefit Friends of Pompeys Pillar by allowing us to recruit, coordinate and support our volunteers, provide volunteer opportunities for all ages, provide our children with historical, hands on experiences through quality educational and interpretive programs, and continue to improve and enhance the historical experience for all of our visitors!